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Vehicular Manslaughter Defense in Los Angeles

Vehicular manslaughter charges and the resulting convictions have serious consequences. You need a serious criminal defense lawyer immediately to explain your charges, how the law applies to the facts and circumstances surrounding your case, and help you decide on a plan of action.

Vehicular manslaughter, although not murder, involves the death of another person and carries tough penalties. If you or someone you love is facing vehicular manslaughter charges, secure legal defense from Arro Law right away.

At Arro Law, our vehicular manslaughter attorneys are:

  • Proven effective;
  • Driven to succeed; and
  • Empathetic to our clients’ struggles.

Knowing you caused the death of another can cause sadness, grief, and a feeling of hopelessness. Arro Law can help. Contact us anytime, day or night, to talk about your case.

Contact an Experienced Los Angeles Vehicular Manslaughter Lawyer for Help

Hiring a vehicular manslaughter attorney right away helps your defense. Contact Arro Law the moment you are under investigation or arrested to start building your case.

Your experienced attorney from Arro Law knows the Los Angeles criminal justice system and processes and will protect you from the following:

  • Law enforcement;
  • Detectives; and
  • Prosecutors.

Having fierce, aggressive defense counsel from Arro Law evens the playing field and keeps you safe from agreeing to anything without a complete understanding of the costs and consequences associated with those agreements.

Your experienced lawyer will also:

  • Stand by your side from start to finish;
  • Investigate your case thoroughly;
  • Fight for dismissal of your charges;
  • Interview witnesses and collect evidence; and
  • Negotiate an acceptable plea agreement; or
  • When appropriate, take your case to trial.

Call Arro Law in Los Angeles now. Our attorneys will gladly answer your questions and help put your mind at ease about your upcoming vehicular manslaughter case.

What Is Vehicular Manslaughter in California?

Vehicular manslaughter in California is driving in a negligent or unlawful manner and thereby causing the death of another person. Punishment for the crime depends on the following:

  • The degree of negligence involved;
  • Whether the driver was intoxicated; and
  • The driver’s prior criminal record.

Vehicular manslaughter can only occur in the operation of a motor vehicle.

Types of Vehicular Manslaughter in California

There are three types of vehicular manslaughter in California: vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter, and vehicular manslaughter for financial gain.

Vehicular manslaughter is a misdemeanor. It occurs when:

  • While driving a vehicle;
  • A person commits a misdemeanor or an infraction; or
  • Commits a lawful act in a manner that might cause death; and
  • Causes the death of another.

Vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence happens when the act:

  • Was dangerous to human life under the circumstances;
  • Was committed with gross negligence; and
  • Causes the death of another person.

Gross negligence only occurs when a person acts differently from how an ordinarily careful person would act in the same situation or in a way that disregards human life.

The third type of vehicular manslaughter, vehicular manslaughter for financial gain, occurs when:

  • While driving a vehicle, a person knowingly causes or participates in a collision;
  • Does so to commit insurance fraud; and
  • The collision accidentally causes the death of another person.

What Is the Punishment for Vehicular Manslaughter in California?

A person convicted of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter in California faces misdemeanor probation, up to one year in jail, and a fine of up to $1,000. The crime of vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony and can result in:

  1. Misdemeanor probation, up to one year in jail, and a fine of up to $1,000; or
  2. Felony probation, up to six years in state prison, and up to a $10,000 fine.

Vehicular manslaughter for financial gain is a felony in California punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, up to six years in state prison, and felony probation.

A conviction for vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence or vehicular manslaughter for financial gain includes the revocation of a person’s driver’s license and the inability for reinstatement for no less than three years after the date of revocation of your driver’s license revocation.

If you are accused of any of the above vehicular manslaughter crimes, do not talk to the police; ask for an attorney immediately. Do not make any statements or consent to any searches. Contact the vehicular manslaughter attorneys at Arro Law.

Contact a Los Angeles Vehicular Manslaughter Lawyer Today

Do not take vehicular manslaughter charges lightly. The stakes are very high, and you are in a fight for your freedom. Arro Law is a top-tier Los Angeles-based defense firm ready to help you fight your vehicular manslaughter charges. Call us anytime twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to schedule your consultation.